What are the Top Competitive Decks In Yugioh?
As we all know YGO is a very competitive game. Known for being very expensive as a pay to win game, YGO master duel however for the most is not built like this. When players initially play the game they are given a hefty amount of gems to build their decks. That being said aside from the meta decks that are out there, there are also the competitive aspect to the game. What is a way to tell what decks are the most competitive in todays Master Duel format. Well I'm here to give you guys a peak at three of the most competitive decks on Master Duel.
Up first we have a major fan favorite, Dinosaur OTK.
This deck is just a embodiment of destruction, one false move on the opponents behalf and this archetype based deck will most definitely punish with an absolute defeat. The deck while very powerful on its own is much more powerful if you integrate the Wyrm cards from the True King cards. These True King cards help deck be more consistent but also they help this deck get the bread and butter of all cards. Using two level nine True King monsters this dinosaur deck is able to summon the second Boss monster of the deck that of which being The True King of all Calamities. This deck has placed top places in many past tournaments and will continue to do so until it's heavy hitters are banned if there was a competitive out there to play it would be this one.
Next on The List is Phantom Knights
This deck is capable of setting up multiple negates in a turn using its back row, what's even more impressive about this deck is the amount of synergy it has with other dark attribute based decks. If you want a deck that is more defensive than offensive based deck then you could combine this deck with the Burning Abyss archetype. If you are feeling like being aggressive and always going for the attack then you combine this deck with the Orcust archetype. Simply put this deck has many variants and many strategies to implement into your gaming style. The deck has seen a more usage in Master Duel due to the deck being at full power virtually untouched by the ban list. This deck is a combo based deck so if you like making your turns as puzzle inducing as possible then I would definitely recommend this deck for you.
And Now for the Last deck on top most Competitive Decks in current game.
Virtual World
Now this deck is kind of similar to the dinosaur deck in which they are both able to summon The True King of all calamities. This decks entire strategy is based solely on summoning The True King of all Calamities which is why this deck is very much looked at when it comes to a competitive deck. Essentially this deck is made to stop the opponent from playing in their first turn making for a easy win for Virtual Worlds.
These decks have been proven to take on opponents that specialize in summoning multiple monsters to the field and rely on their monsters effects in order to win the duel. While these are not as popular as the meta decks they are more than powerful enough to take on all meta decks.
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