Monday, March 28, 2022

Current Yu-Gi-Oh is a no play ZONE!!

 Why are There Handtraps in the Game?

I'm convinced that Yu-Gi-Oh keeps changing in a more complex fashion and that no matter what happens in the future of YGO it is too late to return to the old of playing and old cards will always hide a unknown broken factor that will end up getting then banned. This is where hand traps come in, basically to impose the opponent from being able to complete their turn. There are a multitude of good hand traps and we are only going to cover the good ones.

First up we have the legendary hall of fame, Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring

It don't matter what deck you go up against in Master Duel YOU NEED TO PLAY THREE OF THESE, this card is just that good. It stops the opponent from searching their best cards what more could you want from a card you use against the opponent. 100% recommend using this card.

Up next we have a monster negation.

If your opponent goes first in a duel that means your field will more than likely be free of cards which makes Gamma a useable hand trap. Basically being able to negate any monster effects this card can also stop the opponent from using monsters that search for more resources and after negating the effect it destroys the monster as well.

Next up we have Maxx C

This card a brain game, it makes the opponent think twice about special summoning monsters for the rest of the turn. It allows you to draw a card for every time the opponent special summons a monster, and in todays YGO age, special summoning comes in more than five in a turn. So it slightly slows down the game, use it as a way to play mind games with the opponent.

Next we have effect veiler

You may recognize this card from a earlier post but basically this card is gamma without the destruction effect or the limit of having to have no cards on the field. This negates face up monster effects so the card it negates needs to be face up on the field.

Next up we got Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit

Basically this card is good for effects that you can allow to activate but then immediately destroy right after they use said effect of a card. This is good against field spells especially since its a card that gives the opponent a field advantage. But do be careful not all cards being destroyed can make a good one up on the opponent so be watchful of what card you destroy with this.

Now we got Droll and Lock Bird.

This card is in my opinion the better card for hand traps, while it allows the opponent to search for one card it then no longer allows the opponent to draw or add cards from the deck to their hand. Imagine stopping the opponent from searching for the rest of the turn with just one card. Yeah I can't believe it either.

Now we have the meteor that killed the dinosaurs, Nebiru, The Primal Being

Basically this card is cancer, once the opponent summons five monsters, after the fifth monster is summoned this card tributes all monsters they control and then goes to show that dedicating everything to a play in the end its not even worth it because this card exists. 

So if you want any cards to be in your deck to use against the opponent then these cards are what you go for.

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Current Yu-Gi-Oh is a no play ZONE!!

  Why are There Handtraps in the Game? I'm convinced that Yu-Gi-Oh keeps changing in a more complex fashion and that no matter what happ...