So how does one... feel the flow?
Well I'm glad you asked because feeling the flow requires a lot of concentration and commitment, you don't wanna accidentally lose a duel and lose your soul for the great Leviathan now do you? I'm just joking, but these next few blog posts will be dedicated to helping new players understand the mechanics of the game and I don't mean the ones you see in the tutorials of Master Duel, I mean the ones that are conspicuous that you wouldn't normally think of in the game.
First up lets discuss the phases and how each player goes through them.
Draw Phase
This one is sort of self explanatory phase, the turn player is to draw a card and proceed to the standby phase. HOWEVER cards and effects that either spell speed 2 or higher can be activated after the turn player has drawn their card.(I will explain what the spell speeds are in a bit.) After cards and effects resolve then the turn player can proceed to the standby phase.
Standby Phase
This is the phase that comes right before the main phase which is where some card effects happen. It has no other function other than some card effects activate during the standby phases. Again however you could activate spell speed 2 or greater effects here, though generally players wait to use such cards unless it gives them some sort of advantage for the turn.
Main Phase
The Main phase is where the turn player is able to start making plays with their cards. This is where you can activate your spell speed one effects or greater. Combos can be started here but do be wary that the opponent can activate cards that make it hard for you to be able to have a decent turn.
Battle Phase
Here is where you can declare attacks on either the opponents monsters or directly to the opponent, you and your opponent can activate spell speed 2 or greater card effects during this time as well.
Main Phase 2
This is where you set up for the opponents turn if perhaps by chance you were not able to win the game by then. You can set traps and do some last minute searches basically set up your defenses for the upcoming turn.
End Phase
Here you merely are declaring that your turn is going to end, some effects happen here during the end phase as well. Again spell speed 2 effects or greater can activate here from either player. Once this phase ends it is now the opponents turn and the cycle repeats.
I will leave this photo to give a better idea of the the phases look.
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